Nicholasville NOW!

About Nicholasville NOW!

Mission Statement
The purpose of Nicholasville Now! is to stimulate & encourage the civic, social & commercial welfare of Downtown Nicholasville by using a comprehensive approach that integrates design, promotions, organization & economic restructuring into a downtown management strategy that will have useful and lasting effects.

This website created with Kentucky Heritage Council funds.

Benefits Of The Program

  • Prospective business and industry clients will look at the vitality of a downtown and the attractiveness of a community.
  • Preserve our heritage thus enhancing the image of the community.
  • Instill pride in the local citizens of the community.
  • Increase tax base.
  • Allows you to voice your opinion, participate in decisions and gain a competitive edge in your community.
  • Provides special events downtown for the entire community.

The 4 Point Approach

The revitalization efforts of Nicholasville Now! center around the "Four Point" approach developed by the National trust for Historic Preservation during the mid 1970s.


1. Organization: Building partnerships to create a consistent revitalization program and develop effective management and leadership of the downtown.

2. Economic Restructuring: Building partnerships to create a consistent revitalization program and develop effective management and leadership of the downtown.

3. Promotion: Re-establishing downtown as a compelling place for shoppers, investors and visitors.

4. Design: Enhancing the visual quality of downtown by concentrating on design in all elements of the downtown environment.

Downloadable Membership Brochure

History of Nicholasville

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